Can’t the kids just play hockey?

April 20, 2016

As some of the dust settles from the ongoing dispute between minor hockey factions in Sault Ste. Marie, one has to wonder if the adults who played any part in the debacle will pause for a minute and think about who the game is supposed to be for at this level.

This is not the National Hockey League where billionaire owners oversee franchises worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

This is not the big-business Ontario Hockey League where major junior franchises are now worth between $8 million and $20 million.

This is house and rep league hockey in Sault Ste. Marie that is played by kids who are still enjoying Grade 3 recess time with their friends.

This is where hockey should never be about player-release forms for 8-year old kids and grown-ups who refuse to sign them.

This is where leagues and executives should be transparent about where player fees are being spent.

This is where parents should not be afraid to approach presidents and league executives with questions regarding their kids.

This is where the open-door policy should mean just that.

And through it all, among the many questions that beg to be asked, one stands out above the rest: Can’t the kids just play hockey?

What you think about “Can’t the kids just play hockey?”

  1. There is an article that I read some where that made a point similar to the ones that are being made here . If I recall the Headline was something like “WHEN ADULTS RUIN THE GAME FOR KIDS”
    Minor Hockey Associations like to complain all the time about “Hockey Dads” and “Hockey Moms” without thinking to themselve’s how much they are to blame for ruining a game thats supposed to be “For the Kids”.

  2. This is happening all over the north. Our family is currently going through the same thing in Sudbury with our nine year old son. One association refuses to allow him to tryout for another association’s team until he steps on their ice first, even though the coach has all but come out and said he won’t be signing my son. Why force us to tryout and pay the tryout fee for a team we know he won’t make? Boggles our mind.

  3. Best Question ever: Cant the kids just play hockey??
    It really should be that simple its too bad that it cant be.

  4. Randy…my son is 36 now so it’s been a while since he played minor hockey but the same issues were talked about back then so safe to say nothing has changed. Those involved in the game should worry. More parents are choosing to bypass hockey altogether and encourage their kids to get involved in other activities and as much as I love the game, I don’t blame them.

  5. Back in 97 I was quite upset over minor hockey in South Western Ontario and vocal about it. I said it publicly in a Sault Star interview while visiting with my London Rebels (now Jr. Knights) during the Steel City and was instantly added to the black list at home. A good friend and fellow Rebel’s coach said to me, “I know you think it is bad now, maybe even worse then ever but know this. It has always been bad”. I believe he was right. It is about money and power. Adults ruining a kids game. Adults holding minor hockey for ransom. Too many people are scared of the repercussions of speaking up. If your kid is good enough to get there, minor hockey can’t hold him back. Speak Up!!

  6. Hey “My 2 Cents” that is about how much your Comment is worth. What an a$$ you are. You probly agree with the minor hockey morrons who refuse to release an 8 yr old to try out for a Rep team.

  7. There wont be any hockey in SSM at the rate its going. All associations here need to get their act together and work as one

  8. So if the reason we put our kids in hockey is for them to have fun, learn new skills, and develop into respectful and responsible adults, why is so much emphasis put on the REP programs. What does the money I and other parents pay for our kids to play in house league pay for? With 15 – 18 kids on a team at $650 each for team fees, and the teams paying for their own practice times, what does Sault Major spend the team fees on for the house leagues.
    Why is is so important that we have more than two Sault kids drafted into the OHL? How about the players form the Sault that are moving on to college instead of the OHL, wouldn’t that be a value that would be as important to measure as the number sent to the OHL?

  9. well seems two potential alternatives to soo pee wee and Soo Major hockey ———— KBX and Soo teck —– i wonder what is going to be brought to the table ……. perhaps the new competition will help ………i hope so

    1. Sure it’s “selected” documents. Also the posting of private emails? A new low even for this president. Another reminder, the SPWHL started all this by not releasing players a couple of years ago and stating they want to run all rep hockey in SSM. It’s recorded in the NOHA documents.

      The highlighted documents only prove the SPWHL and the arena are trying to squeeze out the Jr. greyhound teams. Several meetings with KBX only prove they probably worked together on this. Isn’t dealing with non-sanctioned hockey an action with repercussions?

      I agree with RR on this one… what are the arena sponsors thinking? What is the arena board thinking supporting someone who is trying to hold 8 year old as hostages and pawns? Wasn’t this arena built for all players? What would the forefathers of the arena say?

      1. Hmmm Sault Minor going from 4 teams to 11, whos trying to squeeze who out?
        Save your money with your 8 year old. He doesnt need rep hockey yet.

        1. Obviously there is a need for middle level rep if SPW seems to think there is. I mean, he knows better than the NOHA, OHF and Hockey Canada, just ask the SPWHL President himself. They wish to have rep hockey in novice, did you see their proposal that went public? They have tried to take over all hockey from Tom Thumb to Midget in SSM including the girls league. SPW is the aggressor here. Find out all the facts and not what they choose to post to make themselves look good.

          1. We only need one association. The difference between rep at SPW and SMHA
            is about 6k 🙂 You can rag on Landry all day but the point is he’s looking after SPW’s interests and trying to grow the league. Can he be an ass about it, yup but from what I see they all are. SMHA should be AAA only. That proposal from SPW is about the best possible outcome our kids could have. We don’t need an NIHL for AA teams and that seems to be the reason Sault Minor keeps shooting down proposals.

      2. The documents certainly shed a clearer light on Sault Major/Minor and its quest for Hockey dominance in the Sault.

        1. say what you want Gordie…but it isn’t Soo Major or Soo Minor trying to take over the NOHA with a new president, vice president and constitution…hmmm sound familiar….but hey… I guess that is none of my business since you seem to know it all

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