Nice donation via Silver Creek Cup
The third annual Silver Creek Cup — held on the weekend at Rankin Arena, just outside Sault Ste. Marie — helped raise money for a local family in need as well furnishing equipment for several young hockey players.
According to event organizer Jamie Henderson, more than 250 hockey players from 24 teams participated in the six-day event, which featured visitors from as far away as Cochrane.
Henderson said he was touched by the generosity shown.
“It’s a special feeling to be able to give back to the communities and we’re proud and humbled to have the opportunity to do so. When you put an event together and sell out and have over 250 players it just goes to show how lucky we are to live where we do and have so many wonderful people who want to help others and have fun playing the game we love.”
“To be able to raise over $30,000 since December of 2013 from five events that we have put on is something we are extremely proud of and we look forward to continuing these efforts in the future,” added Henderson, who in addition to being the general manager of Silver Creek Golf Course, serves the Soo Thunderbirds of the Northern Ontario Jr. Hockey League in a volunteer capacity.
The Silver Creek Cup was established by Henderson in 2013 as a means to assist the community during golf’s off-season.
With proceeds from this year’s event, along with the popular Little Caesars Winter Classic, which is held outdoors during the winter at Silver Creek, the golf course has managed to raise just over the aforementioned $30,000.
Proceeds have gone to families in need, local organizations and to young hockey players in need of new equipment, said Henderson.
Henderson noted that $4,500 from this past weekend’s Silver Creek Cup will be donated to the family of Alex Lesage, a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Wildcats girls hockey team who was recently involved in a serious car accident. On Saturday evening, prior to the finals of the men’s open division, a cheque was presented to Alex’s father Joe and her grandma Ronda.
“The Silver Creek Cup would certainly not be possible without great community support,” Henderson added. “Silver Creek would like to thank David White and Molson, RBC, Rico and Romina Fata of Tim Hortons, Red Velvet Foto Booth, 3m Trimline, Roadhouse Bar, Superior Bakery, Source For Sports, Second Hand World and the many people who donated great prizes for the event.”