Rhodes Centre arenas open
The City of Sault Ste. Marie has implemented a number of modifications for the two arenas that are housed within John Rhodes Community Centre. The Rhodes Centre is located in the Sault’s east end on the grounds of Queen Elizabeth Park.
The modifications are part of the Ontario provincial government’s Stage 3 reopening plan.
Stage 3 implementation will continue to support the physical distancing efforts recommended by Algoma Public Health and provincial and federal governments.
Modifications include:
— Amateur and recreational sports leagues may resume so long as they do not allow prolonged or deliberate physical contact between players or if they have modifications to avoid physical contact between players.
— Participants will be limited to a maximum of 50 individuals per ice surface.
— Spectators at all sporting events will be subject to gathering limits of 50 people per arena. Physical distancing measures with assigned and designated seating will be implemented.
— Exhibition games are permitted in accordance with social distancing requirements.
— Leagues must contain no more than 50 participants total. If participants in a league exceed 50, the league may divide into smaller groups of no more than 50. Players are not permitted to play against athletes outside of their league or group.
— Locker rooms, change rooms, showers and clubhouses in the facility will open. Two change rooms per team will be used to provide further distancing support. Enhanced cleaning measures will take place following each use of change rooms.
— City employees and members of the public who enter or remain in a city facility must wear a mask or face covering. Exceptions include children under the age of two, those with respiratory or medical conditions that make it difficult to wear a mask or those who have difficulty putting a mask on themselves. Athletes participating in on-ice activities are not required to wear a mask. Refer to on-site signage and instructions.
“Various measures continue to be in place to align with recommended social distancing guidelines,” relayed Brent Lamming, who is the city’s director of community services.
“Rink ambassadors continue to provide an added level of safety to educate the public and ensure compliance of the guidelines. We encourage responsible use of the facilities within the guidelines provided,” Lamming added.

Hope there is some testing of players before games and practices .