Sault midget hockey scene
As it now stands, Sault Ste. Marie will be represented by two teams effective the 2017-2018 Great North Midget Hockey League season. But there is a condition to having both a major midget and minor midget entry in the Great North loop.
The condition is that the minor midget team will only be allowed to proceed if there is a major midget club. In other words, the minor midget team from the Sault will be denied participation in the Great North if there are not enough players to ice a major midget entry.
Ergo, best case scenario is that the Sault has enough major midget aged players (2001 and 2000 birth dates) to form a team to allow for a minor midget squad exclusive to players born in 2002.
Hopefully the coaching staffs of the major midget and minor midget teams will end up on the same page with a common goal of player opportunity and development at both levels.
To be sure, team work is an absolute key to the success and sustainability of major midget and minor midget clubs operating under the Sault Major Hockey Association banner.
Just take a look at the North Bay and District Hockey Association and the way all teams work together under the Trappers banner. If ever there has been a local hockey association that defines “working together” it is in North Bay, where the level of the program has gone from the outhouse to the penthouse in a matter of a few years.
At any rate, back to the Sault midget hockey scene.
As smaller-city North Bay has enough players to support major midget and minor midget hockey teams for the 2017-2018 season, so too does the Sault. Right now though, an apparent concern in the Sault is that a number of major midget players are contemplating playing high school hockey next season.
That aside, given the size of the Sault versus North Bay, one would think (and hope) that there are enough players locally to support two teams in the Great North league. And as long as association politics and adult egos don’t get in the way, Sault Ste. Marie should be represented by major midget and minor midget teams effective the 2017-2018 season.
By the way, there is talk that a number of 2001 birth year players do not want to play major midget because they “don’t like the coach.”
Since when do you have to “like the coach” as a condition of playing for a team?
Let’s go back a few years.
Do you think every player on the team liked Mike Hall when he was coaching what were then called the Soo North Stars midgets? Not a chance. In fact, more than one player who was cut by Hall one year not only came back to make the team the next year but ended up playing in the Ontario Hockey League.
Back to the current state of midget hockey in the Sault.
The numbers are there to support major midget and minor midget. But it’s up to the players to want to play and it’s up to the parents to want to support the program and it’s up to the personnel in charge of the major midget and minor midget teams to work together and not against each other.
Sound simple? It really can be.
When you think about it in simple terms, it’s amazing what can be accomplished when all sides work together.
Just ask the folks in nearby North Bay.
And hopefully when the Great North league holds its scheduling meeting (on Saturday, June 24) that all goes as planned with nine teams — major midget and minor midget squads from the Sault, North Bay and Sudbury and single entries from Kapuskasing, New Liskeard and Timmins.
Your missing the problem completely Randy.
Derek, what do you think the problem is?
Well stated Randy it is and should always be about the “KIDS” and you are right the adults need to “Play well together”.
Telling it like it is as always. Thank You RR.
There is no reason why Sault Major and there coaches cannot work together for the common good of there Number 1 assets – Players and Parents!
Both parents and players are fed up with sault major and this is the result. AB and MC need to be removed for the good of hockey in Sault Ste. Marie .
Sault major has just cancelled both minor and major bantam AA teams and will only offer house league after there bantam AAA teams , trying to force all the bantam age players to try out for AAA. This has come after a large number of 2004 born players and families have made it vocal that they want to play AA and to not be coached by either bantam head coaches. These coaches are GIVEN there teams by AB and Mc at sault major, year after year without being contested and it’s simply time for new blood. Families and players want change, and high school hockey is the answer.
Carry all the problems over from bantam age now , midget hockey in Sault Ste. Marie could be non existent in two years.
It will never happen people do to the fact the people that ar involved in place In soo major association sorry guys.
We can’t ” be like northbay” when we’re not offered the same things as north bay.
Why not do a little digging into there program. How long have the coaches had there teams in NB? At all levels. How do they get there teams? Is there an application process? Do the best coaches who offer the best possible development for the families dollar get the job ? What are the costs to these teams? At all levels.
In Sault Ste. Marie families are fed up, at many levels, and that’s why some midget aged players have tried to leave ssm to go to NB this year, and why players leave at this age year after year all together. Some leave at bantam and why wouldn’t they?
Play nice? It’s deeper than that. It’s soo major that makes high school hockey so appealing.
Derek, obviously it’s “deeper” than playing nice.
A suggestion to you: Perhaps you can dismount off your high horse and offer a credible solution to any issue that you may have.
And I beg to differ — we can be like North Bay, with some change.
Randy, there is a lot more going on here that people are unaware of. High school hockey is a much needed stress release for both players and families who are frustrated and tired of battking sault major.
It starts at the top. MC and AB need to be removed. Good hockey people looking out for the best development, at the best price for families need to take positions on the board. From there, coaching selection committees should be formed and applications for coaching positions should be advertised. coaches should be picked interviewed and chosen properly to ensure that pedants are receiving the best possible development for our hockey players.
That’s change we could could all play nice with.
There are many , many good hockey minds, and past professional players who want to get into the board and coaching positions to be able to do what they know best right here in there home town and give back to hockey but they just can’t seem to get into the board at sault major or coaching at a meaningful level . Change has to start at sault major or high school hockey will only continue to grow.
Sault Major need to have transparency regarding fees and finances at the various levels. That would be a good way to start IMO.
Great article Randy it is nice to see that you want what is best for Hockey in SSM.
Talk to the parents that have played for these programs Randy, and you will get a good understanding of what is going on. When coaches treat kids like crap, do you expect them to go back. The coaches in place need to go. There are many hockey minds in this city that want a chance to coach, but don’t get that chance due to the people running Sault Major. Both bantam teams are just out to take parents money, no development whatsoever. So now we just fought for the minor midget team and may not have it. What a joke!
Another good read, and good points were made in the replies. The Major Midgets have more then enough talent to field a team without the need of any 15 years olds to fill their roster. With returning players and a bumper crop of talented players from last years Root River Rangers AA 15 year old team, there should be more then enough meat on the bone. The odd diamond in the rough (so to speak) can be found in the midget AA loop from last year as well as possible out of town prospects sourced out by club officials doing their job to recruit and retain players. The days of 40-50 bonafide AAA players killing themselves to make a team are long gone, now you need to recruit and retain the 10ish AAA players that show up and convince, recruit and develop the other 6ish players to make the team viable. not to throw mud here but, recruitment and getting a player and their family to buy in to your program happens the year before. The courtship of a player should be just as important as your develop model, it only makes sense, you cannot develop a player that does not show up. well I’m starting to ramble, and who I’m I anyway, I have no high level expertise on this, but if my product does not sell itself then I better have a great sales pitch to get folks to buy what I’m selling. be good to each other and enjoy your day
“A bumper crop of talented Root River AA players and there should be more than enough meat on the bone” … sorry to tell you Steve but Mr Panco spoiled that meat last year by letting it rot in AA last year. They aren’t coming back , most have committed to high school which looks great on Panco.
Exactly billhockeydad .
Help make change Randy by getting the deeper problems visible for everyone to see, not just the parents and players that reach bantam or midget age and then realize what they are offered is horrific.
So many people players and families have taken a stand against sault major and have failed because it seems impossible to make change with AB and Mc there. It’s easier to have your young hockey player leave town and move away at an early age or keep them here and have fun playing high school hockey.
This is what it’s come to.
In my opinion:
The true problem with hockey in SSM is Sault Major. They continue to make bad decision after bad decision. Rep Hockey is dying, and they continue to make decisions that kill it. The most recent bad decision was canceling the Bantam Major and Minor AA programs. What this has essentially done is to ensure midget hockey at the AAA level is done in SSM for a number of years. Think about it, they’ve killed the feeder system and development programs for the AAA teams. To add more fuel, it’s highly unlikely that either Bantam Major or Minor AAA teams will have kids at try-outs. So no AAA teams to be fielded at the Bantam level. This is what it will look like come September folks:
Midget AAA – 50/50 chance there will be a team.
Minor Midget AAA – 50/50 chance there will be a team.
Bantam Major AAA – no team, current organization not fit to coach AAA
Bantam Minor AAA – no team, current organization not fit to coach AAA
PeeWee Major AAA – will ice a team, will be competitive at the PeeWee A level. Top 9-10 players left Sault Major and went to Soo PeeWee to play Select.
PeeWee Minor AAA – will ice a team, will be very weak.
Atom Major AA – will ice a strong team
Atom Minor AA – no team, all players stayed at the Soo PeeWee.
Rep hockey is dying and the executive of Sault Major is accountable.
Ralph/Frank, if Sault Major won’t do the right thing you should. Step back and let new fresh faces take over. Hockey has passed you by. Don’t continue to hurt our youth and hockey families.
For many years I have coached in this city, and scouted for some US. colleges, and what I see today turns my stomach. The word development should be in place at all levels of hockey, league, coaching, training, and the list goes on. Yet here in the Soo, there are a few people who want to see their names on the head of the table. And you know who you are, so my best advise for hockey and the kids and parents in the city is for these self centred know it alls to pack it in. Hockey does not want you, most coaches don’t want you, and I bet most parents would like to see the SMHA clean house immediately.
Randy your message
“By the way, there is talk that a number of 2001 birth year players do not want to play major midget because they “don’t like the coach.” Huh?”
This is the same ignorance that the Sault Major Executive is delivering….. Please don’t support that message with this kind of reporting. I’m sure you don’t mean to do it . Lets be honest…. If we all had Mike Hall level coaching or something close to it in these levels, we would not be having this conversation!!!!!
Randy: The current major midget coach killed the opportunity for a minor midget team, by only taking 3 – 2001 birth year players last year. What possible reason would any 2001 birth year parent with a morsel of common sense let their kid try out for a $12000.00 ridiculously overpriced hockey program knowing their kid is past their draft eligibility year because the current coach screwed the kids and the program over last year. My bet is that the major midgets will be forced to take 2002s because most of the root river players from last year will opt for high school hockey or AA over the overpriced shit show causing the minor midget program to fold. The blame lays squarely on two peoples shoulders….primarily Kevin Panco and Matt Cavaliere!
Time for change at the Sault Major Executive level … change that is long Over – Due I might add.
Good points made by Randy Krmpotich!
Some good points Anthony…. Perhaps I can add to your points above as to why the some of the teams above are failing. At least the ones I know of..
Bantam Major AAA – WEAK turnout anticipated, parent dissatisfaction with Club/Coach valid ??? someone else should add to this one lets get the message out
Bantam Minor AAA –WEAK turnout anticipated, dissatisfaction with Club/Coach program. This group just left a great Peewee Major AAA program and feels cost and quality of minor Bantam AAA program is a step down and twice as much money. (Message here Development/Cost management??)
PeeWee Major AAA – Weak team was drafted and wont even compete at AA level. Sault Major ignored warnings that last years top 8 wont show for tryouts due to 3 years with same coach (desperate time for change please!!) result 10 great players went to Soo PeeWee to play Select (Half price and development… HMMM message here ??)
PeeWee Minor AAA – will ice a team, (someone should add the issues here I know there is some ??)
Atom Major AA (no AAA yet at this level) – will ice a strong team WHY??? great Coaches, great Program great turnout WHY ?? they Mirrored Doucer/Toms program (another message here Sault Major learn from successful programs!!!!!!!)
Atom Minor AA (no AAA yet at this level)– no team this year, all players went to Soo PeeWee Selects. WHY??? half price/ great development teams to play in affiliated program locally…. (Another message for Sault Major here Cost/Development ) These kids wont come back for a couple years
Seems to be a common message here folks ????
I’m told Sault Major doesnt care, I got news for you NOHA doesnt care either. (maybe Derek local NOHA rep does!!) NOHA claims “these are all coaching issues and that they dont get involved in them ” (SAD excuse)
Sault Major executive status
Steve Lawrence and Val Leask left the executive, it took them less than one year to see the corruption and that they cant make change due to corruption….
Brady Irwin —turncoat all I can say — last year your rally to change your sons program at Bantam Minor (now Major program that is failing… see notes above) , you rallied us all to help you and now you sit on that board unwilling to do right thing (your the worst hypocrite!!!) at least Steve and Val walked seeing all the wrong things….
the rest, its hard to comment Barsanti and Creedon they are left hanging by a thread Pawns to what ever MC wants…..
Sault Major problem – all issues are voted on and run by MC and his 6 backers (non-hockey people, they have meetings before the meetings to make sure they vote the same) 13 members on board they have majority vote result every time
One final statement MC and AB when will you listen to your customer, I dont think you care… if so lets have a meeting and get it all out there
My son is one of the 05 kids who left for the pee wee. We tried our hardest to get the Sault major board to respond to our dissatisfaction, but they didn’t care. They expected we’d give in and return to tryouts. They were wrong! But it proved that they are in no way accountable to the families of the players in their organization.
One thing I would disagree with from a previous statement, Mike Creedon was very helpful and seemed to understand our frustation. But he was out voted.
Frustrated05Dad – No negative intended towards Creedon he had great intentions, saying he is a pawn means he has no control or say in the outcome , specifically due to MC’s monopolistic control!!
Spot on rephockeydad.
Gordie, $12000.00? Wow , no wonder why some parents opt to send there kids away to other, better, programs. We were approached by an academy for under 10 for hockey which included off ice training faculty 4 times a week but open 7 days a week, ice twice a day 5 times a week . This team played in a southern Ontario loop of superior quality, and playing there offered tons off opportunity to move upwards in hockey as apposed to here.
12000 for this gong show? Ya I wonder why high school hockey!
But is it really $12,000? Seems high. Anyone have proof of the figures?
C’mon Randy open up your articles from last year are we going down that road again ???
C’mon, Rep Hockey Dad, open up and use your real name. What are you afraid of? You name a lot of names but you won’t use your name.
Sorry Randy…….
God blessed several people in this town with great communication skills and abilities who in turn use it for the bad of local hockey and personal gain. No good will come to my family or others with opening up my anonymity here. I contributed to your article, lots to youth hockey. I know my comments are facts and not just opinions… Hundreds of others wont disagree with me …… Things are a real mess and MC’s monopoly cant be broken…. It will be some time if ever for hockey to recover in this town…..
$8300. 00 outta the gate including team fees, registration, jackets pants tee shirts red helmets red gloves, bags yadda yadda yadda and then add parents expenses to watch their kids play out of town. Add them up , 5 tourneys that parents are paying for their rooms, meals , gas for their vehicles (because they have already paid for a bus that coaches wont allow parents on) . 3 days at 150/day that’s 500 in rooms alone per tourney, add 2 meals , fuel and each tourney is 1000 for parents to watch their kids play one tournament, then factor in the league games in Timmins, NB, Sudbury, etc…..the math is there Randy.
It’s very apparent that Sault Major has mismanaged all their programs. All programs are in shambles. SSM hockey has gone from the class of the north to the laughing stock of the north. It wasn’t long ago that other centers looked to SSM for advice and a hockey model to follow. North Bay comes to mind in particular. Now SSM is an example of what not to do in the hockey world.
Sault Major, the damage you’ve done is beyond repair. Stop making decisions and step back. Your customer base isn’t interested in your product. It’s not worth the $ you’re trying to sell it for. Families are tired of the BS you spout. You’re as dysfunctional as it gets. Let someone else guide the ship. You need fresh ideas, fresh volunteers, and correct decision makers. You also need knowledgeable hockey people around you. Currently, you have none.
All board members should be ashamed of the current state of affairs. You’ve ruined rep hockey for the youth of SSM.
It’s time for change.
It’s been time for change for white some time now anthony but without them stepping back, and without everyone involved in ssm hockey binding together to force them out, how does anything change?
Move your children to play elsewhere or play high school hockey , or even a different sport. It’s way better than the headache from dealing with the difunctional sault major family.
In my opinion this isn’t about hockey anyhow, This is about money.
Keep new blood out and fight to keep your positions on the board , to hide what’s been going on for years.
Give me a break the Doucette / Tom’s model they are only after what’s best for there kids only. Ask scouts down south these two guys all the keep talking about there kids only. As for great coaches they approached NOHA to allow them to quit the league and play in Detroit league. They are a joke in my eyes. To go behind coaches back and tell parents to boycott tryouts they are in it for the kids. Really. 4 years they coached the same kids time for change over half the team emwants new coaches. Do your home work. As for minor midget good luck. It’s going to be filled by out of town kids. That’s gonna be good for soo hockey. If the pee wee and Sault major wanted what’s best for minor hockey instead of there own agenda Sault hockey wouldn’t be in this situation. Basically put a minor midget team in place but deleted the AA minor midget team that had success. Total joke. Wake up people
After playing Rep Hockey for Six Years with Sault Major, Last two years pumping out 10,000 plus per year for One Child to play the Sport he Loves to Play, Sometimes Parents have to say Enough Period!! Last Year son played for St Marys College Total Amount 2300. All Inclusive and that is including going to All Ontario’s. The Opportunity to play in highly competive AAA Tournaments at one quarter of cost of Sault Major was a more viable solution!! The High School Hockey is AAA hockey!!
You nailed it Laura! $2300 to play high school hockey and go to 3- AAA caliber tournaments, with excellent coaches that are there for both the players hockey and academic development. Not to mention buses that allow parents on board, hockey bags, team jackets, and 2 practices a week a game a week….imagine that…so how does Sault Major allow the continuous fleecing of parents pocketbooks for their so called AAA hockey program .
One words ” kickbacks”!?
Think about it. Think long and hard. Lots of money in……… Same people at the same jobs , voting each other in. Hmmm??
How did all this start again? Oh yes, let’s field two midget teams for sault major and play nice. There’s so
Many problems here for hockey that it’s not even funny.
Young parents, do yourself and your kids a huge favour and put them in a different sport until MC and his gongshow are done.
SMHA would love to have all these kids at all levels…. Under $1000 for AA at all levels
Personally my thought is that if Sault Major is so bad and so evil then hire a lawyer to investigate all that you people are saying is so “corrupt” about Sault Major.
Meantime…Work Together!
Sounds like they got major issues in the Sault and I am not surprised to here this.
Most of what we hear about the Sault Minor Hockey scene is not all that good.
one question needs to be asked…what is worse an executive that doesn’t see the problems and don’t make wise decisions, therefore frustrating parents or the parents that boycott because their hand picked coach that they chose to promote their own child and no one else’s was not selected, or don’t like the current coach and have stated as much but now claim that it is too expensive…to save face. Lots of blame to go around here….will be interesting to see how it all plays out…especially for the 05 parents that bailed and followed another to the pee wee for their Select program to a team that now has no where to play but they thought they would be allowed to play wherever they like(entitlement much?) and now some parents are looking to go out of town because they may have to play house and you cant be seen in town without AAA on your chest….looks good on everyone….
First, we never left to “follow” anyone. After three years of the same coaching, we weren’t willing to do a fourth year. We decided that we were better off trying something different and hoping for a better experience. It was never a matter of entitlement. We (foolishly) thought Sault Major would listen, when 50 or 60 parents showed up at their board meeting asking for a change of the 05 coach. Asking them to adhere to their own policy of two years maximum with the same coach, and not having a parent coach their own child. It honestly came as a surprise how out of touch, and uncaring the board would be. We knew leaving was a risk, but staying put was guaranteed to be disappointing. Better to at least try something to improve our situation.
We aren’t leaving town.
And while plans for the year may not be common knowledge yet, they are in fact progressing nicely. I still have complete confidence we will field a competitive team, and actually have the kids develop while still having fun.
So where is the team playing???
And it is well known that certain parents are looking for other alternatives for their child…
Again… Not. Saying Soo Major is correct at all…. But 2 wrongs don’t make it right
Playing midget hockey should never be decided on if you like the coach or not. These kids would be shaking in their boots if they had mike hall. I don’t know Kevin that well but dom is one of the best coaches in the sault. A players coach who knows the game better then anyone I can think of. As for the minor midgets. No one will put more time in then Jamie. He’s the right guy for that team. They might struggle but he will never give up. I don’t see what the problem is in midget hockey in the soo? If my kid was that age I’d be happy to have to him play for the two names I just mentioned. Like I said I don’t know what kind of coach Kevin is, but im sure dom has a lot to do with development of these kids. I agree with parents when they say money is a big issue. It’s rediculous how much It cost to play now. But maybe these parents should stop brain washing their kids about how bad the coach is and just let them go out and play and enjoy it. I wish mike hall was still around. He didn’t take any bs from parents. He was awesome. He would be hard on kids. Especially the kids that he thought had potential. They might hate him during the year but they would look back and appreciate what he did for them. No one was better then mike for making sure you never took a game off or shift off. He was tough but fair and he would go to war for any of his players as long as you shut your mouth and put in the work. Best coach I’ve ever had. Parents need to relax if you can afford to let your kid play aaa then do it. Stand back and let the coaches do their job. Your son won’t develope playing high school. Regardless of what you think. No one is watching Mary’s play 5 meaningful games a year. Just my two cents.
“Playing midget hockey should never be decided if you like the coach or not” ???
When the cost to play rep is as astronomical as it is, the coach better have a comprehensive resume and background, not just a regular ex house league Joe who has taken a few Hockey Canada Coaching clinics. So to answer your question, at 12k plus per year I want a coach who has extensive playing and coaching background.
“your son won’t develop playing high school hockey”???
Have you been to any Major Midget practices?? The major midget coach spends 15 minutes plus explaining each drill at the chalkboard ?? Maybe in house league this is acceptable use of practice time but not rep. Rep kids have thousands of practice hours logged , you shouldn’t have to spend more then few minutes max at the chalkboard explaining drills unless of course you drafted players that have hockey comprehension problems . Go watch both high school and Midget practices and compare for yourself . You might be shocked! So at a very tiny fraction of the cost why wouldn’t these kids opt for high school where there are top notch coaches that utilize practice time to the fullest.
As for your comment that there is nobody watching high school games go tell that to that Bruins defenceman. I think his name is Colin Miller, or something like that… .
It’s really encouraging to see a public dialogue on this. Randy, I encourage you to investigate this carefully and report on your findings. Ask for detailed financial statements (you won’t get them). Compare what programs cost in other locations who offer way more in terms of player development (Sudbury and Northbay pay $3k less and offer much more, and the difference is not the bus!). Ask the details for where the $$ is going . . It certainly isn’t going to ice time – Wildcats were on the ice twice as often as our Bantam players and the cost was one- third as much!
We have paid for the AAA program and found there is no value for $, lack of commitment from some coaches and little player development. When this was raised politely to SMHA via email, with an offer of a meeting to discuss concerns in more detail, there was NO REPLY. They don’t care about why yet another kid is choosing to walk away from AAA.
If SMHA thinks their decision to drop AA for Bantam levels is going to encourage our family to come back to AAA, they have completely missed the boat. The program is broken and needs to be fixed. We are much better off taking the $5k we are going to save by putting it towards my kids education, and maybe some private lessons where he stands a chance of improving, vs waste it with that program. (Which I heard will cost >$7k this year!!).
6 or more kids not returning to Bantam Major AAA, and no goalie. Worth asking why. It is sad to think that the program may have to collapse before SMHA starts making the necessary changes.
So who would be your top choice to coach the midget team? You think the Mary’s coach could do a better job? What hockey experience does he have? Pretty sure he last played competive hockey at 12 yrs old. That dosent mean he’s a bad coach because he dosent have much of a hockey background. I don’t mean to knock olivera. I’m sure he’s a great coach. Actually I’ve heard numerous times he is. But seriously what kid is gonna shit on his coach when they win 20-0 every game. As for Miller, you know who was watching him his year at white pines? Soo north stars. If you think the hounds were sending guys to scout him in grade 10 at white pines I would be shocked. Guess who had a huge part of Colin’s development? It was Dom who he played for in bantam. Last i checked he’s on the staff of the midget aaa team. Colin was a special case. I watched him a lot closer then you did. His game really took off second half of the season he was with the birds. His skating became his biggest strength. As far as the money goes I understand your concerns gordie. It’s rediculous . Not sure how the price can go up 6-8 grand in 10 years. I’d like to see what parents pay in Sudbury and north bay. Something needs to change. I get it that if you spend that much that you want the best coach available. I believe they have the best coach available ( Dom ) . Even tho he’s just assistant I’m sure he is doing most of the teaching. Gordie your not going to change soo majors mind on who should coach the team. If your kid plays aaa or highschool just relax let him enjoy it. Chances are the only thing hes going to get out of it is life long friends and valuable life lessons.
Btw gordie after looking over your comments about the root river kids not making the aaa ‘s last year. The only kid I saw that probably deserved to play aaa was gavey and maybe a defenceman. Can’t remember his name. I think there was a few more kids on other aa teams who would of been better options for the midgets.
From what I see Kevin Pancoe is a good Coach give him a chance.
There were at least three defenseman in that Root River team one winning top AA defenseman in the league can’t remember the kids name as well as four other players that could have fit into the AAA lineup. That being said there are a lot of talented young players in Sault Ste Marie going forward hopefully to build strong competitors in every age group. Moving forward is the best option not dwelling on the past in doing what’s best for youth hockey in the Sault
Only validates our decision for pulling out of AAA program last year. AA was an incredible year that provided comparable ice time, invested coaches, player development and a fun year for my son. It’s a pity that they are not listening to the feedback being provided and Soo Major chooses to invest their energy into an underhanded & trump-like approach to to this flawed program. Disappointed in the judgement calls with those involved.
Hope AAA parents still consider AA League an option for their kids!