Hound midgets fall to 9-16-4
There is no sugar coating this. Facts are facts. The major midget Soo Greyhounds now have a record of 9-16-4 following an embarrassing 7-3 loss to the minor midget Sudbury Wolves.
Playing at home on Sunday afternoon, the major midget Greyhounds were out-coached and out-played by the minor midget Wolves, who were playing with a short bench.
Worse, the Sudbury minor midgets had played the minor midget Soo Thunderbirds the night before while the Soo major midgets were well rested.
From an observation standpoint, the major midget Greyhounds simply lacked the stamina and attention to detail that was shown by the minor midget Wolves.
Call it lack of conditioning or call it poor preparation or call it ineffective coaching — all three, perhaps — but the Soo major midgets were no match for the Sudbury minor midgets, who improved their record to 8-6-0 on the Great North Midget Hockey League season.
Gavin Brown paced the Sudbury attack with four goals. Parker Morgan had a goal and an assist for the Soo.
On Saturday night, the minor midget Wolves upended the minor midget Thunderbirds 4-2 with two late third-period goals that broke a 2-2 tie. The Soo minor midgets now have a record of 2-13-3 on the season.
Tell is like it is Randy .. way to go and speak the truth! Thank You.
Interestingly, North Bay puck gurus have long envied the Soo’s record of success and looked at its development model for ways to improve. But I think Soo hockey will find its way again, kids and coaches are like the pickerel in Lake Nipissing … you only need one or two good year classes and a key rule change and things get better. Like the Soo high school football having to consider three-down football after losing the NOSSA final … lol Just kidding. My mom’s family is from Sault Ste. Marie and my cousin went to Korah, so just rubbing it in.
Bring back the north stars and mike hall. Get kids in grade 11,12 that should be playing midget aaa instead of highshool to be interested again. Not long ago the north stars would not only dominate the gnml but everyone knew who they were down south. A real threat every year to win ohfs. Mike had built that program to not only win but win big. No one wanted to play them. And when your winning your having fun. Nothing beats winning. I still stand by my words about dom delucca. He’s the best coach in town that is coaching right now. If you don’t bring back hall give the reigns to dom. his track record speaks for itself. Great teacher and kids love him.
Randy: The blame lies squarely on two sets of shoulders, the head coach and the AAA co-ordinator. The head coach set the stage for this disaster to play out when he decided to slam the door shut on a very key group of seasoned 2001 AAA draft eligible players last year. As a result, those kids opted for high school hockey this year.
Now add the fact that the AAA co-ordinator (MC) lacks any understanding of the game at the AAA, AA, A, B and C levels, and we have a perfect storm brewing.
Mix in a large portion of ignorance, arrogance and zero foresight and you have the final ingredients for this year’s serving of a dog’s breakfast.
Gordie, once again you’re bang on. Hockey is in a shameful place at the AAA level here in SSM.
In my opinion, ther’s no need to look any further than Sault Major, Matt Cavaliere (League Director AAA) and in the spirit of the above article Kevin Panco (Head Coach of the Midget AAA team). All are poor performers and the current results are evidence of the pathetic programs all three are accountable for.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, garbage in equals garbage out. It’s time to get accountable decision makers, business leaders and hockey people involved in operating Sault Major. Things are embarrassing now, see below for reference:
Rankings of our AAA programs as of December 18th 2017:
Major Midget – 56
Minor Midget – 50 (dead last)
Bantam Major – 56
Bantam Minor – Didn’t Ice a team
PeeWee Major – 55 (dead last)
PeeWee Minor – 56
Collectively there’s not a hockey organization in Ontario with worse results than the teams currently representing Sault Major.
Save your $$ parents, stay away from AAA hockey in SSM.
Anthony, no 50 or dead last doesn’t tell the story. It’s easy to bash , but not all groups are the same. I’m proud of the way our minor midget team has competed and developed. Come to a game .
Kevin I’ve been to every one of your home games except one. I’ve watched you on the road as well.
Last is last, don’t know how to say it any other way.
Has your team improved from the start of the season, yes they have. Do they have a long way to go to gain the respect of other Minor Midget AAA programs? Yes they do. Have you provided a good hockey model that is financially fair to your players and families, yes you have. Is your program a big improvement from the two years these kids spent with the Thunder, yes it is. Does your team staff work hard to develop these kids, yes they do. Your results just show how much this age group has fallen behind. It will take more than one good year of coaching, development and motivating to get the 2002 age group up to speed. Sadly…. time isn’t on their side.
Kevin I’m not bashing, only pointing out the facts.
Hockey is in a bad place in SSM, we owe it to our youth to fix it.
Anthony listen up I’m about to blow your mind!
You’ve noted how bad every AAA team is right? Maybe , just maybe your kids just aren’t very good? I come on here and it’s always coaching, executives, directors, presidents blah blah blah.
Maybe the kids just suck and should’ve spent more time on the outdoor rink instead of their PlayStation?
You could be right, but we’ll never know without proper quality development programs, accountable organizations and financial models that all families can afford.
Ze. Your an idiot. You should sign your name Df not ZE. You obviously are related to Kevin or close in some wAy. You defend a guy that absolutely does not belong coaching this level in today’s game. You keep talking and it will be more obvious that you know absolutely nothing about hockey today.
I could blow your mind in pointing out so many things but I’ll let his record, suspensions and staff failures speak for itself.
Derek obviously I rattled your cage by stating the obvious.
Ze, this is your last post until/unless you provide a legit e-mail address. Aliases are fine as long as I am provided with a real e-mail address, not a fake one that you gave. That goes for Monty as well.
Anthony………Sadly our AAA program is the embarrassment of Rep programs in Ontario, while our Junior team is ranked number 1 in Canada and the envy of all junior programs in the country!
Why…..because of a few individual’s selfishness, arrogance and ignorance, the many great local hockey minds that could turn the programs around have to sit on the sidelines .
“Garbage in equals garbage out”
‘Save your $$ parents, stay away from AAA hockey in SSM.’
Well stated Anthony.
It’s sad these boys need a better program. Two practices a week is not enough. No dry land, no spinning class,no video review, no extra ice time, no cardio, no weight training. Not disciplined. It’s all showing in their game. Soo major has got to see that a change is needed and soon!
Here is a little background on past major Midget s. The Soo Thunderbirds ran the major midgets and jr team the year following the North Stars folding. Coach Capy and the rest of the staff worked tirelessly to field a team. We found out of town players, all the locals that would play.
We wound up winning the GNMHL playoffs and a birth in the Telus Cup. Jr team were Ontario Champions and birth in Royal Bank Cup.
At the conclusion of the year, Soo Major executive members asked me to replace Coach Capy . I wouldn’t, so Soo Major opted to give to give the team to the group that is currently there. My point is, even when things are good, they would rather have there own people, as opposed to a successful coach and group running the team. It has worked out great for Coach Capy , who got a coaching job with the Soo Eagles right after and has been there since. As well the Thunderbirds in my time and currently, are a well run organization that has been very successful on the ice. Maybe seeking there opinions may help, just saying.
Kevin, I couldn’t agree more:
“My point is, even when things are good, they would rather have there own people, as opposed to a successful coach and group running the team”
Seems Sault Major hasn’t learned.
Thanks for developing those kids from out of town! You’re the best Kev
Hire a Coach who can actually Coach.
What a mess this is and some of you have the nerve to come o0n here and defend Sault Major??? What the Puck!!!
Coming on here and reading the hockey opinion of Monica Campbell is truly the best part of my day so far!
If the shoe fits wear it good article Randy thanks for the having the balls to say it ike it really is.
I think the whole city is aware of how Randy feels about the Major Midgets including the 20 boys who play on the team we hear u loud and clear
Monty…..So you think that Randy should sugar coat this team’s disgraceful showing and give accolades to a coaching staff that has not and is not producing …..why? I will tell you why …..being connected to this team, you dont want to embarrass the coaches which are likely close friends of yours. So you continue to spin this to make it appear that we are criticizing the kids which we clearly are NOT .
By protecting your buddies through deflecting the problem away from them and onto the kids , you too become part of the problem that exists in our minor hockey programs.
Zen my only point was there wouldn’t of been a team that year.without out of town Kids. Because of the year with no team it was very difficult but we found a way. There wouldn’t be major midget now if we didn’t do what we did then, reviving the program for others to play in later years.
Well said kevin cain your right if that program didn’t step forward . The gnml would no longer have a soo team. Everyone is bashing every one. It starts at an early age . Sudbury had to go to one team next year. 10 years ago they had three teams . Rayside ,valley east and Sudbury. The talent pool isn’t there anymore. Facts are facts. The soo Pee Wee is doing it right with the help of Craig harstburg. As you state ignorantly bumbacvi that all these teams are terrible. Well I can say one thing the bantam team has worked with Craig harstburg at practices and he will tell you they are doing a great job with what they have. Bumbacco you want change you know so much about hockey maybe it’s time for you to volunteer instead of cutting everyone down. The quick fix solution you want because your child is that age won’t work. When you want to volunteer because you care about all players let Sault major know
As for the minor midget program the wall wasn’t built in one day. It takes time and alot of hard work from VOLUNTEERS.
Funny how no one that is on the Pancoe Bandwagon wants to mention the subject of this Article which that is the Major Midget Soo Greyhounds got their asses kicked by the Minor Midget Sudbury Woilves by a score of 7 to 3.
Mark, I read your posts and I can only imagine that you must be related to panco or his neighbor or something cause you are way way way of base. This houseleaguer coach absolutely does not belong at the midget major AAA level.
This ” volenteer” needs to unvolenteer and Sault major needs to give the players a real hockey teacher who knows today’s game.
See you later Coach K. Thank you for you service.
Well said Mark Mitchell and Gordie u are so off base as to who I am and what my affiliation is to the team. All this bashing is a disgrace give the game back to the kids as far as I am concerned this is about who is wrong and who is right. I am not protecting anyone I am just a fan that enjoys the game. This article comes as no surprise we were all expecting it. That’s right Gordie I am more than one person. In a few short months the season will once again be over and hopefully u can move on to something else.
Just stating a fact Gordie the kids are well aware of what is being said and if your thought process helps u get through the night good on u.
New Rankings have been posted for the week.
How can anyone honestly say there’s not a problem with AAA rep hockey in SSM?
Major Midget – 59th and trending down
Minor Midget – 50th – dead last
Bantam Major – 56th
Bantam Minor – Didn’t Ice a team
PeeWee Major – 55th – dead last
PeeWee Minor – 55th
It’s time for Matt Cavaliere, Angel Barbisan, & others to go. You’ve ruined AAA hockey in our community.
It’s sad, really sad.
What a bargain for $12,000.00.
Looks like the Bantam Minor Parent group knew what they were doing. Didn’t waste stupid amounts of time & money on sub par hockey program.
Anthony…decent points but What about the development of non rep players…the ones who are laid to waste by the Select program and rep program…..take a look on the hill to see what they have produced in bantam a and b again this year…kids that have trouble doing basic drills, hopefully Hartsy and Toots can turn the fortunes around, but when the power gives certain teams ice time over others, and the rest getting half ice practices…. basically sacrificing one for the other…. not to mention 1000 dollar “Mandatory” tournaments to play your own house league teams … it looks like nothing will change until one major change is made…
Informed… Sault Major is just as bad. Did they not cancel the AA Bantam & AA Bantam Minor Programs this year? These non AAA players in SSM weren’t given an opportunity to further develop in a development program. In order to be successful at the AAA level you need to develop more than 17 rep players per age group. Another poor choice and shortsightedness by Sault Major.
As for the tournaments, have a look at the upcoming Steel City Tournament organized by Sault Major
All Sault Major Bantam Teams are forced to enter, pay the $1200 price tag and play the same teams they’ve been playing all year. Hardly fun, hardly worth the $$ and to boot at a bad time of year.
I do agree with your last comment, “it looks like nothing will change until one major change is made…” Out with the old, in with the new.