30 wins for Blind River!
This is a definite good news story. Blind River Beavers have established a new franchise record for most wins during the regular season.
A 4-3 road victory over the Rayside-Balfour Canadians tonight gave Blind River its 30th victory of the 2016-2017 Northern Ontario Jr. Hockey League season.
The win surpasses Blind River’s previous best of 29 victories during the 2009-2010 campaign.
Blind River entered the NOJHL back in 1999.
The 30 wins this season is all the more impressive considering that in the three previous years combined, the Beavers won a total of just 20 games.
Kudos to first-year head coach Kyle Brick and the rest of the Beavers.
Proud of the staff and the boys. You have restored the pride back to the Blind River Hockey Community. Best fans anywhere.
Happy for the Beavers …
I hope the coach bought extra pizza for the team on the bus ride home…..
Good job 👏 Bricker & Kinger 😎👈👍
Right on!!! Great news for sure.
So proud of our Beavers!
The Beavers are having a awesome season just wondering my the fans have not come back?