Crunch time in Moose Factory
Moose Factory and the adjacent community of Moosonee will benefit from the presence of the Cochrane Crunch of the Northern Ontario Jr. Hockey League for three days next week.
The Crunch, in conjunction with the Canadian Tire outlet in Cochrane, will be heading to Moose Factory and Moosonee on Monday through Wednesday of next week.
According to Ryan Leonard, the affable owner, general manager and coach of the Crunch, the NOJHL team will put on clinics and speak in all five schools that are located in the two remote communities.
“The means of transportation to get up to the James Bay coast is by train from Cochrane so this will be an experience for the players that I am sure they will never forget,” Leonard told
“While up there we want to speak to the youth and help them believe and achieve and share stories,” Leonard added.
“This all couldn’t be put together with out the help of Ontario Northland Railway, the Moosonee and Moose Factory communities and their minor hockey associations and of course our Canadian Tire in Cochrane,” continued Leonard, who added that through the Jump Start program, more than $40,000 in hockey equipment and skates will be donated to the two communities.
Over the years, a number of players from Moose Factory have left home to play in the NOJHL, including several notables who suited up for the erstwhile Manitoulin Islanders.
Those from Moose Factory who skated in the NOJHL for Manitoulin include forwards Jody (Bad News) Biedermann, Carlo Metatawabin and Corey Metatawabin and defenseman Tyler Corston-Moore.
Moose Factory is a small community of about 2,000 residents located on Moose Factory Island in the middle of the Moose River and approximately 12 miles from where it empties into James Bay. Moose Factory lies directly opposite Moosonee on the bank of the Moose River.
Congratulations to Ryan Leonard and the entire Cochrane Crunch organization as once again they show dedication to the youth and surrounding areas. Lenny & Katherine run a 1st class organization and need to be commended for all they do for the community and the league.
Love that guy!
Eskis Shadow Reuben
All the innis boys! the list would be long indeed if you tried to name all those who played in either or both the GNML or NOJHL. None more notable tho than Jonathan “the cheechoo train” Cheechoo
Explore further north, fort albany , Kashechewan and Attawapiskat and even Peawunuk… i’ve seen great young hockey players out there.
But expensive to fly in these communities., but it’s do-able.
this is what the communities need. A great opportunity to get the youth involved. Wouldn’t it be great if the northern communities could get their teams down to Cochrane for a tournament. perhaps it could be funded by an “Adopt a Player” fund and approaching the NHL teams across Canada to adopt a team in each Province.
Ryan has always put 100% into whatever he has chosen to do so far . Good job well done . Keep up the good work.😃😃😃😃😃
We are looking forward here in Moosonee! 😀
This NOJHL Fan is loving the imagination shown by Coach Leonard. Ever since this man has taken up residence with The Crunch he has demonstrated outstanding coaching skills, National rankings to brag about, pre-season tourneys, the kind of following at a home game any ” Shepherd of the Lord” would love filling their pews. This reaching out further is another triumph! I like this guy, and his team. Did anybody invite the Eskimos to play? The more young faces pressed against the glass watching these guys, the better the chances there are more players who want the puck.