Powassan Voodoos get assistance

August 14, 2015

A pair of new assistants will provide assistance for the Powassan Voodoos of the Northern Ontario Jr. Hockey League for the 2015-2016 season.

Voodoos general manager Chris Dawson has confirmed that Marc Gagnon and Brent Tomlinson will join the second-year NOJHL team as assistants alongside holdover head coach Scott Wray and goalie coach Todd Robillard.

Gagnon and Tomlinson served as scouts for the Voodoos during the 2014-2015 season.

Meantime, former assistant coach Jamie Young will move from behind the bench to the front office as the newly-appointed assistant general manager under Dawson.

And Geeno Robinson, who helped behind the bench last season, will continue in his role as the Voodoos statistics coach.

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