Soo T-Birds looking for billets
The two-time, reigning Northern Ontario Jr. Hockey League champion Soo Thunderbirds are seeking families who may be interested in billeting out-of-town players for the 2016-2017 season.
Thunderbirds billet co-ordinator Noel Stephen has prepared an “FAQ” of sorts pertaining to billeting.
Stephen asks that anyone interested in becoming a billet to e-mail him via or by calling/texting him at 705-943-1856.
Here are the FAQ as they pertain to billeting that Stephen has put together for prospective host families.
Q. Do we have what it takes to be a billet family?
It is of great importance to the team and league that we place our out-of-town players in caring family environments that are committed to providing a supportive home away from home. Opening your home takes time, patience, and a willingness to share. There will be differences to overcome, both cultural and personal, but learning about these differences and celebrating them is part of the joy of welcoming someone new into your home.
Q. What makes a great billet family?
A sensitive and patient family. It can be overwhelming for a player to be so far away from home. A thoughtful billet family appreciates that each player is unique, and that communication and mutual understanding takes effort. Our billet families are interested in sharing their lifestyle in a positive and mutually rewarding way. We do not accept billets who are interested in money alone. Such motive is obvious to players and the team, and interferes with the intended billeting experience: a safe, secure, welcoming environment to learn and grow in.
Q. Do I have time for a player?
Even the most self-assured players appreciate good quality time with their billet family. Will you be in town for the duration of your player’s stay? (Absences longer than two days must be approved by the team Billet Coordinator in advance.) Is everyone in your household ready to accept someone with a different background? If you have children, are they comfortable with bringing another person into the family?
Q. Can a family host more than one player?
Yes. Two (or more) players can share living quarters, transportation expenses and often times provide camaraderie for one another.
Q. What does the billet family provide?
A separate room for the player (or a shared room for 2 players) furnished much as a college dorm would provide for a student: bed, desk & chair and clothing storage.
Nutritious meals including breakfast, lunch and dinner.
A patient, caring and friendly home atmosphere.
The same guidance and attention you would want for your own children.
Q. What are the player’s responsibilities?
As a member of the household, players are expected to show respect and consideration for all host family members. They are required to follow all household rules as well as share in the daily chores, maintain their own room and do their own laundry.
Q. How long does the billet last?
The length of time depends on the family and the individual. Some players stay with a family throughout the hockey season, while others arrange to live with the family throughout the calendar year to satisfy academic or employment obligations. The length of stay is one of the key determining factors used in matching a family with a player.
Q. Is there compensation to the host family?
Yes, families receive a monthly billeting payment for each player. Besides offsetting the expenses a family incurs when hosting a player, the compensation acknowledges the invaluable service families provide to the individual players and the team.
Q: Are curfews enforced?
Yes. There will be disciplinary action taken if players miss curfew. Billets are asked to report to Coach/GM if players miss curfew.
Q. What are the benefits of being a billet family?
A new perspective on hockey, as seen through the eyes of your elite player. A firsthand understanding of being a hockey fan.
The opportunity to make a difference in a young man’s life.