Staying home in Iroquois Falls
As was first reported by, second-year skaters Josh Dejulio and Kezmin Madden will play for their hometown Iroquois Falls Eskimos in 2015-2016 rather than join the Timmins Rock.
The transfer rights of the two Iroquois Falls products will become official on June 1 when all 12 teams in the Northern Ontario Jr. Hockey League can begin signing players for the 2015-2016 season.
The aforementioned Iroquois Falls Eskimos and Timmins Rock are both undergoing new beginnings for the upcoming NOJHL season.
Previously based in Iroquois Falls, the Timmins Rock is the relocated Abitibi Eskimos.
And the Iroquois Falls Eskimos are in existence as a result of the relocated Mattawa Blackhawks.
As for the players involved in the Timmins-Iroquois Falls exchange — Dejulio, a 6-foot-1, 185 pound defenceman and Madden, a 5-foot-10, 190 pound forward, played as rookies with Abitibi in 2014-2015.
Regular season and playoffs included, Dejulio had 2 goals, 21 assists, 23 points in 55 games.
All totaled, Madden had 4 goals, 13 assists, 17 points in 51 games.
Both players hail from Iroquois Falls, have 1996 birth dates and are graduates of the Kapuskasing Flyers of the Great North Midget Hockey League.
PHOTO: Kezmin Madden and Josh Dejulio display the new Iroquois Falls Eskimos jersey in the Jus Jordan Arena hockey office area, which is undergoing renovations courtesy team owner Allan Donnan. (Photo by Vanessa Cowell of The Enterprise.)
It is good that this has been done sooner than later . Thanks again for reporting this Randy. Nice jersey .
The Word around Town is that the Eski’s had to pay 2500 hundred bucks to Timmins in order for Marshall to release the 2 IF kids.
De Julio he has proved that he can play in the NOJ.
Madden he has the potential to be a solid Winger however he did not get much Ice time from Paul so he is more of a un-known.
Hat’s off to Scott and Paul to allow Josh and Kez to stay home and play for the Home Team.
I don’t think Marshall ever take’s his hat off LOL tho I doubt he will be wearing his Eski’s hat any more LOL.
To All Hockey Fans in Iroqois Falls:
Lets just say that you all owe a big “THANK YOU” to Scott Marshall and Paul Gagnez for all that they did for you People over there 17 Yrs of dedacation! They also voted to allow you a new Team after the move hear to Timmins. So be thankfull insted of all of the wining and bitching that many of you Fans have been mouthing off about Scotty and Paul.
Hear is to a “HEALTHY” Rivalrey!
I highly doubt that the cost was $2500 dollars each for the two boys. No disrespect but maybe for Locke or Roy they would ask that amount because 2500 is the max. I can’t see Paul being that unreasonable. But that is just my opinion
2500 hundred bucks covers BOTH of the IF kids is the Word around Town.
$5,000 is the maximum, unless that has changed.
Brenda – We didn`t name a street after Scottie when he left town as RR reported but we paved the one that is leading out of town .
The good Samaritan tells me to be thankful ……yes we had some good yrs but a wise man tells me you shouldn`t be mouthing off when you don`t know what you`re talking about.
Timmins & I-Falls always had good rivalries in any sports ….
Don`t throw Rocks when you live in an Igloo…lol
I believe I stated that. $2500 is the max for a player.
I believe $5,000 is still the max — per player. I will check and get back to you.
Just confirmed that the player trade maximum that we discussed is indeed the $5,000 as I stated. That figure is applicable to all teams and leagues that are part of the CJHL.
$2500 sounds about right. Dejulio will be a good defender with 2 more years left. Don’t kid yourselves if you think any team would let players go for nothing. There’s a cost to the year of development the had with the Eskis. And to the comment above regarding someone being unreasonable, it’s a business and unfortunately $ comes first and the kids…………..well,you know the rest.
$2500 is a steal for two local players. Signing home grown talent is going to be tough in the north east, now that there are 4 teams competing for the players on two ‘AAA’ and one ‘AA’ midget team.
I say two ‘AAA’ midget teams because historically the kids from New Liskeard head south to North Bay or beyond.
Brenda N. You must be related to Peachy ???
I m back 2 c u Kurlydo how u do u old dink Peachy get lay 2 nite
Making it even tougher is when you consider that only 4 towns in the north east actually produce junior players. Timmins, Hearst, Liskeard and Iroquois Falls. As stated liskeard talent usually ends up south ( GOJHL in particular) but lafleur tapped into that market recently with Lafrance a couple years back and a few Cubs AP’s this past year.
It’ll be interesting to see if any Cubs throw on a Gold Miners jersey this year. They have at least 6 kids who CAN make the jump, but with KL hosting the Dudley, i’m not sure Lafleur can afford to sign many rookies, and i don’t think by Jan 10 you’ll see more than two on the roster, and that doesnt neccesarily mean they will be rookies from the North East region.
I say between the Majors, Flyers, Cubs and Elans there is about 12 who will play tier 2 this coming season, where remains to be seen, there is 4 teams interested in the north east division alone.
Who are the 6 from Cubs that can play Junior?
probably more than than 6 but i would with go both KL boys, the lil guy who was an O pick, tall Gold miners AP, both of powassans AP.
Now do the rest of ur homework on your own.
Thanks for the info but I do believe the Voodoo’s used 4 of the Cub players as AP’s this year. Also the Gold Miners didn’t have a tall AP from the Cubs. They used Nikitin and Rheault.